The CSO E-Distraction Dilemma

The Chief Sales Officer (CSO) drives a corporation's sales success. They are at the hub of all communication regarding a corporation's sales force.

Today's CSO's are expected to know how to build sales 2.0 organizations that leverage social media, inbound marketing and engagement based marketing tactics. They are utilizing LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to communicate with their audience and are constantly distracted by "noise." As the distractions increase, so do the work hours. Twelve hour work days no longer exist when you are trying to communicate with your customers, employees and board.

The CSO is expected to keep up with email, inmail, tweets, Facebook messages and the wide variety of other social distractions. They receive hundreds of message on a daily basis and many times can lose sight of what is important.

Here are three tips to stay out of the weeds and ahead of the game.

Electronic correspondence. Sales executive are constantly overwhelmed by a constant flood of emails. There is no shut off valve. Take a day off… impossible. Drowning in a pool of hundreds of emails is a common occurrence.



Tip 1: Make it a rule to read an email only once and Reply or Delete. Make the decision immediately. Do not let emails sit in your inbox. Reviewing an email more than once is a waste of time.

Social Media. Time is money. Social media takes time. Stop with the heavy lifting. Learn to use tools that cut down on the time it takes to convey your message. It is your job to drive a message to the market about your sales team. Connect with the market place and your audience through tools that save you time.



Tip 2: Use and other social media tools to help drive positive brand awareness and excitement around the success of your sales team and corporation. Create, schedule and distribute consistent messages around your company's success.

Build a Sales Team. When building a sales organization expect to be overwhelmed by communication from unqualified candidates. Do not let this correspondence distract you from the talent you are looking for.



Tip 3: Use to drive awareness and prequalified candidates to your company. This is a social hiring platform that helps define key characteristics important to your organization, it helps qualify candidates and communicate to a large audience of sales professionals. Post jobs for free to a handful of boards, then share through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Candidates are prequalified and hiring is made simple.

In order to be a successful CSO you must be able overcome the many e-distractions you encounter on a daily basis. Try these helpful tips to make your day more efficient. Leverage these tools to decrease the amount of e-distractions you are bombarded with and manage your day more efficiently.

What other tips or services do you find effective in minimizing E-distraction?


Published On: May 16th, 2012Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting, Using Social Media

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