Expert Sales Recruiters

Our Promise is to Deliver Elite Sales Candidates, Matched to Your Exact Needs, Within 3 Days or Less

Our Core Values

Compete to Win Every Day


Empowering People

Do What’s Right

Our Brand Promise

Delivering Elite Sales Candidates

Matched to Your Exact Needs

Within 3 Days or Less

Treeline Sales Recruiters 20 years in business and 3,000 lives changed!

In March of 2021 Treeline Sales Recruiters hit two major milestones.
The company reached its 20th year in business and has changed the lives of 3,000 sales people along the way.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Dan Fantasia

Dan Fantasia

President & CEO

Dan started Treeline, Inc. in March of 2001. He saw an opportunity to disrupt the traditional sales recruiting industry and although starting a company from nothing in a challenging economy was not an easy endeavor, he refused to fail. Years later he continues to focus on climbing above the “Treeline.” Dan is regarded as one of the Nation’s experts when it comes to sales recruiting and a trusted advisor to companies looking to harness a sales network of sales recruiters hidden talent. Dan is energetic, positively charged and he believes in promoting the good in every person.

Dave DeMelo

Vice President of Recruiting

David joined Treeline, Inc. in 2004 and has been a key member of Treeline’s success and growth over the past 19 years. When he is not recruiting, selling, training or developing the internal team to support growth, he is spending time with his wife and daughter where cranberry bogging is a regular thing in Lakeville, MA. As Vice President of Sales-Contingency, David is responsible for full P&L, growth and hiring on the Contingency Team.

Dave DeMelo
Rachel Meers

Rachel Meers

Director of Partnerships

Rachel is a Maine native who loves cooking, reading, sailing and tennis and fun fact – she used to live aboard a sailboat in Boston Harbor! She joined the Treeline Team in 2014 and has continued to grow internally through several promotions. As the Director of Partnerships, Rachel built a new division for Treeline, focused solely on client management. Rachel leads the Sales and Account Management teams focused on supporting all Treeline clients and helping them fill their sales openings with the best talent on the market.

Bailey Miller

Client Acquisition Director

Bailey Miller was born and raised in Houston, Texas and has been with Treeline since 2021. Outside of building incredible relationships with Treeline clients, Bailey is a dedicated Treeline Ambassador. When she is not consulting with clients, you can find her working out at F45 or watching the Texas A&M Aggies play every Saturday and you will never convince her that pineapple does not belong on pizza.

Bailey Miller
Cory Siegel

Cory Siegel

Recruiting Manager

Cory is a proud Jersey native/resident and Fordham graduate with over a decade of experience in the hospitality industry. He is an outside of the box thinker, avid sports debater and Soprano’s aficionado. He joined Treeline’s team because of the culture and the company’s purpose. His entrepreneurial spirit and do whatever it takes mantra has accelerated his career at Treeline. Cory loves helping change people’s lives through recruiting and further sustaining a tremendous team culture here at Treeline.

What our happy clients are saying

Michele St Laurent
Rated 5/5 based on 25 customer reviews
Treeline Inc. has been qualified individuals throughout a five-year-long engagement. They’ve made numerous placements of talented and qualified individuals for our business.

Treeline Inc. provided us with the most candidates that aligned with our needs and were of the highest quality.

Dr. Jeffrey Klein Head of North America Sales, Satchel Pulse
5.0 5
Treeline Inc. provided us with the most candidates that aligned with our needs and were of the highest quality.

Treeline Inc.’s collaborative, flexible, and communicative approach resulted in a smooth partnership. Beyond their recruitment expertise, their unique sourcing model was efficient and effective.   

Sera Holt Director of Operations, LNS Research
5.0 5
Treeline Inc.’s collaborative, flexible, and communicative approach resulted in a smooth partnership. Beyond their recruitment expertise, their unique sourcing model was efficient and effective.   

Their professionalism was outstanding. Treeline Inc. was extremely thorough and ensured that we were on the same page before they started looking for candidates. They listened to us and did a great job working with the candidate to close out the process.

Cate Grant AVP Customer Success, Nasdaq
5.0 5
Their professionalism was outstanding. Treeline Inc. was extremely thorough and ensured that we were on the same page before they started looking for candidates. They listened to us and did a great job working with the candidate to close out the process.

Thanks to Treeline Inc.’s intricate and thorough screening process, the company is able to hire six high-quality candidates that fit perfectly in the company’s culture. The team is highly receptive to concerns, and internal stakeholders are impressed with their unique recruitment abilities.

Anna McKean Sales Recruiter, Insider Intelligence
5.0 5
Thanks to Treeline Inc.'s intricate and thorough screening process, the company is able to hire six high-quality candidates that fit perfectly in the company's culture. The team is highly receptive to concerns, and internal stakeholders are impressed with their unique recruitment abilities.

Treeline Inc. has been qualified individuals throughout a five-year-long engagement. They’ve made numerous placements of talented and qualified individuals for our business.

Michele St Laurent VP of HR, The Institute for Applied Network Security
5.0 5
Treeline Inc. has been qualified individuals throughout a five-year-long engagement. They’ve made numerous placements of talented and qualified individuals for our business.

Expert Sales Recruiters

Our Core Values & Brand Promise

Treeline Core Values
Treeline Brand Promise

Our Culture

We are the nation’s top sales recruiters. How did we get there? By encouraging our clients, candidates and employees to be empowered – both professionally and personally. Our promise is to deliver qualified, interested and available sales candidates for every client. As expert sales recruiters we will help you build your world-class, high-output sales team. We are always on the cutting edge of technology and have built our own sales recruiting software but our focus is and always will be people and the human element is required to do our job well.