7 Steps for Senior Leadership to Recruit and Retain Salespeople

How to invest in your employees and build a great sales cultureA strong sales team is key to any company’s growth. When you grow sales, you grow you grow revenue.

But what happens when you can’t recruit, sustain, or retain sales professionals to help you meet revenue goals?

That’s where sales culture comes in. And I am not referring to your game rooms, nap spaces, beer fridges, and free lunches. I am referring to what really drives sales success and a healthy selling environment.

First things first, understand that culture cannot operate in a vacuum. Creating a sales culture of success starts with aligning business goals with values. It starts at the top and permeates throughout the entire organization.

Companies that actively work to build a culture of success understand that by investing in their employees, they are maximizing overall employee productivity. It becomes a full circle approach: drive employee productivity as you continuously invest in your team.

How to build a sales culture of success - sales recruitingWhen building a high-performing culture of success, it’s not just about the “nice-to-haves,” it’s about the “must-haves.”

Your sales team must:

  • Feel valued and appreciated
  • Understand the vision of the company
  • Contribute to the “big picture” and direction of the company
  • Believe in the company’s mission, values, and products/services
  • Receive ongoing training and development
  • Trust in the management team

It starts with recruiting the right salesperson for your sales team…and keeping them.

We asked top industry sales managers, CEOs, recruiters, human resources directors, and talent acquisition leaders how company culture plays into their sales recruitment and selection process.

We compiled 7 steps to building and sustaining a high-performing sales culture of success.

Get the E-Book Here>>

How to Build a High-Performing Sales Culture of Success

Published On: May 2nd, 2017Categories: Best Hiring Practices, Blog News, Sales Recruiting

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