How to motive sales management and leaders

Whether you are a Chief Revenue Officer, Vice President of Sales, Director of Sales, Sales Manager or a Team Lead it’s your job to motivate teams of sales professionals.

Being a sales leader is similar to raising a family. You have to put in long hours and offer endless sacrifices. Sometimes your hard work and commitment go unnoticed, yet you come back each day ready to make a difference and to win. Seeing your team succeed and hit the numbers makes it all worthwhile.

Strong sales leaders are dynamic and engaging speakers. They are charismatic and well-spoken, organized and have high expectations. They know how to bring life, energy and belief to a sales team. They know how to meet revenue targets and how to build high output sales organizations. Strong executives build and drive competitive environments around camaraderie and hard work.

These successful sales leaders understand that a motivated sales team will work harder to achieve success and as a result the company will continue to grow and drive revenue. 

They understand the big picture and acknowledge that it’s all-encompassing, but if you’re not motivated how will you motivate your team?

Highly motivated people constantly challenge themselves, building confidence and belief around their own abilities. In the role of a sales leader you have to understand that this is part of the job in-and-outside of the office.

So how do you motivate yourself?


Invest in yourself.  Spend time to read sales books like The Challenger Sale, Spin Selling,and The Perfect Sales Force. Attend seminars, forums and networking events. Find and watch videos, listen to podcasts and learn as much as you possibly can. Consider yourself a student and don’t be content, be hungry to grow.


Play competitive sports, set high goals at the gym, enter triathlons and set time aside for yourself. The point is you have to find areas of enjoyment where you can measure personal growth. This will reinforce confidence and conviction and build upon your ability to lead the field. This will encourage a contagious and positive mental attitude.

Exude Confidence.

This is a direct correlation to your ability to achieve success outside of the office. If you are constantly pushing yourself to be the best in your personal life then expect your success to overflow into your professional life. Remember why you like being a leader. A well-rounded confident leader is like roots to a tree, you help sustain your team. Your belief in yourself and ability to lead will in effect transpire, and your team will hold that same belief in you as well.

If you are a leader that has lost your motivation, shake it off.  Put a plan in place to achieve your own personal goals. This in turn will help motivate yourself and your team. We are almost half way through the year, so empower yourself and develop a personal plan for success. By taking the time to motivate yourself you will be seen as a more effective leader and as a result you will see your efforts in the success of your team.

Published On: May 21st, 2013Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting

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