At some point in our careers we have all been in the job search. We have all either worked with or have been contacted by recruiters when considering other opportunities, but have you ever actually considered a career in recruitment?

Recruitment is a tough business and certainly not for the timid or reserved. Personally, I never considered the space, and here I am, 9 years later and loving every aspect of this career.

People assume that recruiting is easy and all we do is match job descriptions with resumes. Well if it was that easy then everyone would be a recruiter. In reality, recruiting can be challenging when it comes to finding top sales talent, especially when that person is not necessarily “looking.” But it’s the thrill of the hunt that makes this job exciting.

If you are going to start a career as a recruiter, you have to understand the role inside and out. There are many different forms of recruitment. There’s contingency, retainer, temp, contract, etc. There are virtually recruiters for every industry and it’s the most sales-oriented role out there. Think about it, you are selling yourself to a client, to a candidate, candidate to client and client to candidate. Does it get any more sales-oriented than that? As recruiters, we spend our days in a fast-paced, highly transactional environment constantly dealing with competition while balancing the candidate’s needs with the client’s demands.

So how do you stand out? How do you separate yourself from the pack?

1. Roll up your sleeves and dig in – Recruiting is not waiting for the phone to ring, posting a job ad and waiting for those resume’s to flow in. REAL recruiting is rolling up your sleeves and starting to source. Great recruiters love the search and finding those top candidates that are not on an active search. It’s your role to get them active!

2. Network and have an interest in people – Recruitment is all about networking and meeting new people. Every great recruiter has a need to be around people. Typically recruiters like to meet new people and seek out opportunities to connect.

3. Manage the Highs and Lows – Let’s face it, when things are good and you’re closing business it’s the best feeling, but the reality is when lows hit, you feel helpless and sometimes you can’t make a placement if it slapped you in the face. It’s part of the business, its part of sales. You have to be truthful and at times ask yourself is this deal realistic? Managing your emotions and expectations can lessen the blow. You have to be willing to shake it off and start fresh.

4. Be Positive – It is crucial to keep a positive attitude. Being an optimist is ideal in the recruitment world. You will need to be able to roll off the losses and always keep a positive attitude. If you have a “glass half empty” mentality, recruitment is NOT for you.

Sales and recruitment is a tough business. Most people do not understand what we recruiters really do, but after all, it can be a very rewarding space both professionally and financially. Good recruiters are focused on getting results. The recruitment process is not about individuals, but more about making good matches in a seamless and efficient way.

Published On: February 22nd, 2013Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting

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