how to hire during the slow summer monthsAhhh summertime, the beach, the BBQs, the fireworks, the lake, the s’mores, and the list goes on. All of these great things that happen during these short summer months help to reflect on life outside of the office and spend time with friends and family. We take this time as business slows down, we charge our batteries up…and before we know it, September is here and there is only 30 days left in Q3. What the heck?!

Ok, so what is your plan to both enjoy the summer days and still be proactive in growing your business?  It is tricky. Let me shed some light on my business (sales recruiting) that may help you stay ahead of the game. Every June, as a company, we build a strong pipeline to have a great June and a good July.  July is slow – there is the 4th of July, the REAL nice summer weather hits, and people are taking vacations left and right. Companies slow way down, and then, like clockwork, in August our phones blow up with companies trying to hire as fast as they can so they can build up their teams to be ready for Q4. It is bonkers.  It is great, but we, as recruiters, are always a little baffled by companies who know they need to hire in Q3 and wait for the last minute to try and get it done. Not just for selfish reasons (we like to make money) but because it is not the best way to hire.

Let me map it out. If you start interviewing a candidate in August, you will probably not make a hire until September, when your business is at it busiest, and that employee will take all of Q4 to figure it out.  If you start interviewing in July, make a hire in August, that employee will benefit from 30 days of slow business to get his/her feet wet and get their business up and running.  That extra 30 days is hugely beneficial to the candidate and ultimately, your company.

I know what you are thinking, it is easy for me to say this when the reality is that everyone in the office is on vacation at one time or another – not conducive to a hiring process.  I agree, it is difficult, but not impossible.  If you partner with a good recruiting firm (*ahem), they will partner effectively with you to build a strong pipeline of candidates, set expectations, and work with your schedule to keep the interview process moving. All a good recruiter will ask of you is prompt and consistent communication for scheduling and feedback. Ultimately, this will lead to a good hire for your company and come August, when all your competitors are scrambling to make hires to fill head count, you will be getting your hire(s) trained up to hit the ground running for a successful Q4.

So, enjoy the beach and frozen drinks for now, but when you get back to the office take a strong look at your Q3 objectives and see if you should get started sooner rather than later. If you want to discuss it, just reach out to Treeline. But, don’t call me…I’m going on vacation.

*Treeline Inc.

Published On: July 17th, 2014Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting

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