Is your company ready for this new generation of workers?

Millennials. You can pretty much spot them a mile away. They typically have some type of technological device strapped to their hip, pressed up to their ear or glued to their fingertips. They have high expectations of the work place requiring ambitious salaries, places to relax, perhaps take a snooze, and a definite dose of fun to keep boredom at bay.

Is your company ready for this new generation of workers? Are you willing to change the dynamics of your company to attract and appease them? You may be asking yourself, "Why? Why should we change?" Well the truth of the matter is that sooner or later you may be faced with a decision to adapt to the needs and desires of the millennial workers. Millennials are looking for companies that they will actually enjoy going to work every day. In fact, research shows that Millennials rank the importance of careers low on their ladder of priorities. They are not looking for just "a job." They are not interested in "punching a clock" to get a paycheck. They are being selective and are looking for the right company. When they find it however, they will most likely be more productive and will help shape and grow your organization. After all, they're not only your employees, they are the "millennial consumer." They will force you to see things from a fresh new perspective. Millennials are very social, they're team players. They are resourceful, can multi-task and can contribute creative ideas while working quicker and smarter. No doubt they are coming to work with a different mentality. They have a strong sense of who they are and what they want. Harnessing their ambitions and expectations may be your biggest challenge, but allow them to express themselves and feel like what they have to contribute is important. They are not looking to work for "Corporate America." If you give them "the rules of the work place" handbook, don't expect them to embrace it. Communication is key to a harmonious relationship with Millennials. They are typically not shy in expressing themselves and challenging rules. Therefore, they seek managers who they feel they will have comfortable relationships with and are able to voice their opinions openly and without consequences.

Initially, a corporation must figure out what it will take to attract millennial workers and secondly will need to factor in how they will handle retention. Millennials seek opportunity. They want to be stimulated and challenged. If your company does not offer career growth, chances are you will lose them. They will simply go somewhere else. And there is a high cost associated with that loss. So while an employer hopes for longevity from employees, they must have a retention strategy in place or the millennial will be moving on costing organizations big money to replace and train who . . .You got it, your next Millennial employee.


Published On: September 23rd, 2011Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting, Treeline

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