Someone trying to win fantasy football and sales successThe Fantasy Football playoffs are back and once again, it’s that time of year to second guess your lineups and reconcile about the players who made or broke your season.  Weeks of stress and lucky guesses and now the big moment has arrived. Whether you were ready for it or not, time to forget about the regular season blunders and finish what you started.  Either win your league, or do everything in your power to make sure you are not the biggest loser.

Whether you drafted a RB or a WR for your first round pick, chances are you managed your team differently than the guy who grabbed Peyton Manning or Jimmy Graham out of the gates. With hindsight being 20/20 how would you have managed differently? Or another question to ask is would Jack Welch, business warrior and CEO of GE, have approved of your management strategies? If Jack invested his time into fantasy football, what would he have done differently to posture his team for a run at the title?

Jack Welch is known for his unique, effective, and sometimes harsh management style. A number of strategic acquisitions under his leadership helped GE climb above the tree line of the business world and at the forefront of their competition. If Jack was managing your fantasy football team he probably would have implemented these 5 management techniques to help you build a winning team. 


Not every one of your players are going to be A players, so you are going to have to make the decision on who plays and who sits. If your B and C players don't improve throughout the season, Jack would tell you to drop them and pick up more effective players. The Fantasy Football waiver wire can decide your season.  Jack would drop his underachiever (Doug Martin), overlooking the emotional involvement that comes with a draft pick, and replace him with a player who did produce, like say, Justin Forsett.


It is important to note that change is good and that it is bound to happen. You can't always plan for it but should anticipate it. Just as in business, change needs to happen during the football season. If a player is injured, make sure you have another one who is ready to step up. And when an unexpected player from your bench starts to consistently put up numbers, get them onto your starting roster! Promote them… Jack would. Expect some losses, but be ready to make changes when the unexpected change happens.


Although change is anticipated and we should embrace the production results that are delivered, Jack emphasizes that we should not over-manage your team. Welch wants his top people to lead. Management can complicate and slow production. Instead, stand by your true studs and let them do what they do best. Trust that your leaders and top performers will continue to produce and don't get caught up in having to constantly change your lineup.


Welch likes people like himself, winners who radiate enthusiasm and have the ability to ignite a spark in others. He advises that we make smart decisions by spotting up-and-coming success stories early. The initial draft pick is always crucial when predetermining your fantasy success, so choose players who are consistent but also look for up and coming talent. Remember it's a long season and nothing is certain, a lot can happen in a short period of time. 


Jack suggests that we acknowledge the facts and exploit them for advantage or eliminate their negative impact. If a player is consistently hitting his numbers at a rate that cannot be matched, build your team around him and make sure he stays in your lineup. If you can see an end coming or there is no production at all, trade him at a higher value than he is worth.  Evolve into a team that stands a chance. Do not stay in your losing ways or get comfortable with low-margin victories.

Jack’s unique management style has proven successful on numerous accounts in business but there is no question that its translation to fantasy football has no guarantees. When Jack took over GE in 1981 he made a resolution to transform GE into the world’s most competitive enterprise and since accomplishing his goal he has continued to achieve success. 

Your fantasy football success, like Jack's business team, comes as a result of having the right people in place at the right time and knowing how you manage that team. Next year when you take over the reigns of yet another fantasy football squad, will you manage like Jack?


Published On: December 12th, 2014Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting

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