I found my next opportunity, but I do not want to leave money on the table

Dear Dave,

I have been selectively seeking new opportunities for the past few months. I enjoy working at my current job, but can't help thinking that I could leverage my 5 years of inside sales experience to attain a new opportunity that would give me the financial and professional value add I have been working towards in my career.

I am working diligently at both my current job and looking for a new job. As the saying goes, "Looking for a new job is like a full time one!" I have been on a couple interviews and been pushed through the hiring process on the majority of them.

I have narrowed down my search and found an opportunity where mutually it's a great fit. Everything is starting to fall into place. The base salary, benefits and the on target earnings are what I am looking. The culture is dynamic and my quality of life will improve, but the start date does not fall where it needs to be. I have a bonus that I will be receiving in two months and I really do not want to pass it up.

Could it raise red flags if I pushed out the start date for two months?

Should I let the future employer know and negotiate that into my offer package?

Do you have any advice?


Sales Representative

Dear Sales Representative,

First off, congratulations on your new opportunity! You must feel great to know that your hard work and attention to detail has paid off. Yes, looking for a new opportunity is a full time job if you want it to be. It seems that you strategically found opportunities that made sense and went after them.

As a recruiter, I come across this daily when speaking to sales representatives of all levels. Sales is a business where what you put into it is what you will get out of it. So with that being said, you will ALWAYS leave money on the table. It is inevitable, think about it.

You work hard to fill your pipeline of prospects and you are forecasting what you can close within the week/month/quarter. You have emotionally attached yourself to these deals/commissions because you worked so hard and frankly, you deserve it.

The question is when does that cycle end? The answer is NEVER! This is what we do, we work hard to earn a living and make as much money as possible.

If you were to push out the start date for 2 months, that is a long time. ANYTHING can happen in 2 months! Would you be willing to risk:


  • A rescinded offer?
  • Losing the opportunity to another candidate?

Remember, time kills all deals.

You could be honest and try to negotiate it into some sort of sign on bonus, a non-recoverable or recoverable draw. This is fine and you can ask, but you must be prepared if the answer is NO.

My recommendation is if the role has everything you are looking for and adds value to your career, then take it.

I hope this helps and good luck!




Published On: February 7th, 2011Categories: Blog News, Interview Advice, Job Search and Career

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