Is there a more precious time in New England? For the adventurers among us, there is a plethora of outdoor pursuits to enjoy – hiking, biking, boating – the list is endless. No doubt, all of these enticing activities will be vying for your attention this season including your job. Though you'll continue working hard this summer, it is critical to carve out quality time to spend with family and friends. Here are some tactics you can use to ensure that you meet your commitments and make the most of this special but fleeting time of year.



  • Commit to leaving the office at 5:00 pm, at least a couple of days a week. Make up the time by arriving earlier in the morning, working through lunch, or setting aside a "late day" or two. Getting home early enough to enjoy a leisurely walk or an ice cream with the kids works wonders after being inside an office or on the road all day.
  • Schedule your vacation days NOW. You may not have given much thought to what you'll be doing this summer, but before you know it, the season will be over and your plans for a lakeside getaway will have slipped through your fingertips. Planning ahead will ensure that you secure the time-off you want.
  • Take advantage of any flex-time benefits your company may offer. If you're able, take that extra half-day off or work those extra hours to get an additional Friday or Monday off. For those of you who are job hunting, that extra day may be the ideal time to schedule interviews.




Contrary to popular belief, summer job hunting does have its advantages. If you've set a goal to secure a better position by the end of the year, don't put it off. A summer job hunt has its pros and can yield positive results. After, all, companies still have positions to fill. Here are some guidelines for conducting a summer job search:




  • Yes, it's true: decision makers take vacations, too. Qualify your prospects. Make contact with them early in the season to find out their vacation schedules. Work around them. As we've mentioned, an extra flex-day during the week might be the ideal time to set up a meeting.
  • Use the lack of competition out there to your benefit. Many job hunters do suspend their searches during the summer. Capitalize on this by continuing your networking and interviewing efforts in July and August.
  • Summer is a more lighthearted time of year. People are generally happier and in better spirits. Seize the day! Use your energy and attitude to secure that new job.



Published On: June 29th, 2009Categories: Blog News, Job Search and Career, Sales Success

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