We conducted a survey with Chief Revenue Officers and Vice Presidents of Sales across the United States about what’s most important to them as they evaluate a potential new hire.  What we learned is very important to your success as a job seeker.  The top two questions that every sales leader wanted to know were…

  • What do you know about my company?
  • Why do you think you would be a good fit for my company?  

In this short video Dave DeMelo covers some key points to help you prepare and complete a successful interview to land your dream job.

Our biggest takeaway – be prepared and don’t take an interview for granted.  Consider each interview as a sales call and prepare to win the presentation and close for the next step in the buying process.   What you consider a small detail, may be of great importance to the hiring team.  

Published On: March 16th, 2022Categories: Interview Advice, Job Search and Career, Treeline

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