Gearing up for a job search can be stressful anytime. But when a recession is looming or the economy is not robust, job seekers can feel overwhelmed and put energy in the wrong places. And instead of using downtime productively to increase the odds of landing the right next career step position, job seekers can lose sight of what needs to be done to become a desirable candidate for sales recruiters. So we have rounded up 21 key strategies that will help you make every moment count when you are facing a change in your career.

1. Polish Up Your Resume

While reviewing your resume may seem like a no-brainer at the start of a job search, you actually should do this with more than one goal in mind. First, add in all relevant missing information about your current or most recent job. Then, consider creating different versions of your resume to highlight your experience and skills so that you can use them for different job application scenarios.  Make sure to use keywords and include numbers and KPIs that measure your performance to showcase what you bring to the table. 

2. Refine Your Personal Brand

Use this time to reflect on who you are and how your skills and abilities are best promoted to potential employers both on your resume and during interviews.  Engage in conversations with thought leaders in your industry by commenting on or sharing posts that are relevant to what you are looking for in your next career move. 

3. Get on LinkedIn

Make necessary adjustments to your LinkedIn profile, including adding that you are seeking new opportunities and updating your career experiences. Start by updating your headshot on LinkedIn as well as your bio.  Join an industry group and participate in relevant professional discussions to start making connections that can help you.

4. Develop Relationships with the Right Sales Recruiters

Not every job search firm can assist you. But partnering with executive sales recruiters like those at Treeline, Inc who specialize in connecting sales professionals with next-level sales positions can help you find the right fit for your next position. With Treeline Inc you are guaranteed to fill your open Sales Positions within 30 days.

5. Stay In The Game

When your job is downsized or you are displaced from your career for any reason, find a way to keep your skills fresh so the downtime doesn’t turn into a negative. Candidates can demonstrate drive even if they have to look outside of their industry for the short term.

6. Hone Critical Skills

After reviewing your resume as well as familiarizing yourself with what companies are seeking in new hires to fill open Sales Positions, make sure that your key industry skills are sharp. If your resume touts it as a top skill, it should be easy to demonstrate with career anecdotes as well as be familiar to those providing personal recommendations.

7. Develop Missing Skills

Resume review might also uncover missing skills that are commonly requested in your professional field. Strengthen any skills that need to be shored up so you can present yourself as the ideal candidate.

8. Consider Adding Certifications

If you are between positions or have the time, consider adding industry certifications that will help you become a more appealing candidate.  Many companies like to see sales certifications such as MEDDIC, Sandler, SPIN or other sales-methodology based training programs that help them visualize how you will fit into their current sales model. 

9. Go Back to School

For some careers, a higher level of education might be necessary to be considered for the next step in your career. Even beginning a master’s program, for example, is an excellent way to start professional development conversations with a potential employer.

10. Go to a Bootcamp

If targeted IT skills are necessary for a smooth transition to a new position, consider attending a bootcamp to learn them to save time while still upgrading your attractiveness to new employers.  Marketing bootcamps can also be great for sales professionals, learning how to boost your inbound and outbound effectiveness to drive new leads will help you not only once you land your next role, but also in the short term while you are searching for your next move. 

11. Get a Side Hustle

Use solid skills to freelance or pursue small contract work during a transition period. Not only will you stay sharp but you might make connections with a potential employer while also making a little extra cash.

12. Focus on Networking

Go over your email and phone contacts to see who might be critical to reach out to during your search. Even if the economy is struggling, many companies may still be growing and hiring, so don’t hesitate to connect with those you do know.

13. Connect on LinkedIn

Use this business mainstay to not only connect to those in your industry and at companies you are researching but also to send messages to those in your industry who might be able to help.

14. Use Social Media Wisely

Use your platforms to connect to networking groups and attend virtual events or even in-person meetings if they are available. Remember that all interactions online may be visible to those hiring, including sales recruiters, so keep all posts professional and appropriate.

15. Decide What You Want (and Need) in a Job

Use this time to develop a clear picture of what type of job will excite you and move you forward in your career. This clear vision will help you choose the right next position and not just take the first job offer that comes your way.

16. Create a Targeted Job Hunt Strategy

Forget the scattershot practice of applying to every job out there. Instead, put a lot of effort behind the scenes into those that you do apply for to increase the odds of making it to the interview round.  Tailor your resume, include a strong summary that highlights the parallels between your background and the role and connect with someone from the organization.

17. Develop Actionable Goals

Instead of making a goal of finding a job, create smaller goals that, together, will amplify your efforts like attending one networking activity a week or sending two emails a day to potential LinkedIn connections.

18. Look for Companies Instead of Job Openings

Businesses that are looking to hire in the future are excellent prospects for a job hunt. Businesses that are growing, expanding or experiencing positive changes in the marketplace even during a recession will all potentially be seeking new hires in the future. Focus on these companies to see where you might fit into their growth.

19. Consider Moving into a Recession-Proof or Growth Industry

The healthcare industry is typically thought of as recession-proof, so if your current experience translates to working within healthcare, consider seeking a position within that industry. Or consider transitioning into one of the strong growth industries to minimize future job instability like Computing/IT, Environmental and Energy or Science/Research.

20. Look Into Temporary Work

Even if it is not a long-term option, taking contract work is a good way to avoid large gaps in your resume and bank account, especially during a challenging economy. A job outside of your current field may lead to a new connection or unforeseen career change, or simply may be a way to stay sharp while still pursuing the career you desire.

21. Become an Expert at Virtual Interviewing

Thoroughly prepare for any virtual interview sessions that will arise by practicing on the platform you will be using and preparing for potential problems that may arise like an unstable network or an interruption at your location. Conduct a mock interview with a trusted friend or professional peer for constructive feedback so you can put your best foot forward when it’s time for the real interview.  Even with more companies interviewing and hiring remotely or in hybrid models, don’t forget the basics – dress professionally to show that you are taking the interview seriously, take the interview from a quiet and distraction free environment and do not forget to send a thank you note to follow-up after the interview. 

We’d love to hear from you.  What other strategies have you tried to land your dream job?  If you’re still on a search check out our current sales job openings.  If you don’t see something that’s a fit today, send us your resume to connect with one of our recruiters to discuss your sales career and search requirements. 

Published On: January 31st, 2023Categories: Sales Success

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