In today's job market, it is important to stand out from the crowd. At Treeline, we recognize the benefits of showcasing your personality and the need to market yourself to prospective employers. That is why we created DADO. Our platform gives you the ability to create a profile and in that profile is the capability to upload a video. A video exposes your personality, highlights, past accomplishments, and reveals professional endeavors.

Here's how you get started:

1. Anyone can make a video resume.

The only tools required are a webcam, camcorder, flip camera or even an iPhone or Droid phone. Simply record your video resume and upload it to your computer. We recommend that you save in the most universal file formats including .wmv, .avi and .mpeg. Other common file formats include .m4v, .mpg, .flv, .mov, .mp4, .3gs. We also recommend that you do not record in high definition.

2. Keep it short and simple.

Ideally, 30 seconds is all you need to tell the hiring manager why you should get the job. Keep in mind that your body language, hand gestures, and eye contact can reveal more than words. Look into the camera and speak clearly. Practice what you are going to say ahead of time. Make sure there are no distractions, such as background noise and avoid busy backgrounds.

3. Dress professionally.

Look the part of the job. Dress in business attire as if you were going to the interview and meeting the hiring manager in person. You only get one chance at a first impression so make it a great one.

4. Introduce yourself, your position and one or two career highlights.

Start by mentioning your first and last name and your most recent position. Focus on your professional accomplishments. Use examples, such as statistics to reveal what you can do for the company that hires you. Do not speak too fast and stay away from divulging personal information.

5. Wrap up with a positive conclusion.

Thank the potential hiring manager for considering you for employment. Make sure to smile and keep eye contact with the camera.

When creating a video resume it is important not to be intimidated. If done correctly, a video resume will promote you and assist you with getting an interview. We believe that a video resume works most effectively in conjunction with your traditional resume. Our DADO profiles include your traditional resume, a video resume, a picture and LinkedIn profile. The video resume enhances your profile and grabs the hiring mangers attention, ultimately making you stand out from the crowd.

We welcome you to Join Our Network and create a Video Resume today!

Published On: October 5th, 2010Categories: Blog News

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