What is the best way to approach a selective job search?

By: Dave Demelo, Treeline Division Manager

Dear Recruiter,

I am a sales representative who is currently employed. I have been with my organization for a few years and, for the most part successfully hit my goals and quotas. I love the company culture and all of the people that I work with. I enjoy going to work each day and the competitive environment my colleagues and I have created amongst each other. However, I've recently become curious about other possible job opportunities and I feel an urge to selectively seek for a new sales position.

What is the best way to approach a selective job search?

Dear Advice Seeker,

Looking for a new job can have its challenges. Think of it as a learning period, it takes time and more importantly hard work! It is often said that looking for a new opportunity is a full time job, so how do you do both?

Realizing that you are looking for that next best thing is the first step in the process. If you are not mentally and emotionally ready for a change then it is probably not the right time. People fear change and stepping outside of their comfort zone and into the "unknown." Once you have prepared yourself mentally, you need to start figuring out what you are looking for and what do you really want to do? You know your background, success, skills and you have the drive and passion, so getting a job should be a piece of cake right? It can be, if you do the proper research, market analysis, and of course get out there and market yourself!

So where do you begin? It is obvious that the market has been turning. Unemployment rate is still not where we would want it to be, but companies are hiring. Before you start to network with former colleagues, friends, and family, you need to figure out some key points and most importantly set your own expectations.

  • Are you looking to leave the industry that you are in or looking to make a career change?
  • Are you in a financial position to take a hit? There is usually a 3 month ramp up period, can you afford to invest the time to train and create a new sales pipeline?
  • How much do you want to travel and how long of a commute will you do?
  • Are you prepared to spend more time in an office?
  • When can you interview? (7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. interviews do not always work)
  • Are you prepared to be negatively sold?
  • Are you prepared to leave money on the table? (http://blog.treeline-inc.com/blog/ask-a-recruiter/)
  • Are you ready to endure a sometimes long interview process?

These are just some of the preliminary questions you should ask yourself. Good sales representatives overcome objections and greater ones anticipate them, so it is wise to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. Once you have identified some parameters then it is time to start marketing yourself and filling up that pipeline.

Good luck!


Published On: June 6th, 2011Categories: Blog News, Job Search and Career

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