Are you struggling when it comes to hiring your salespeople? You’re not alone. Sales is the lifeblood of any business, but it can get messy, especially for smaller companies and those growing fast.

Common Sales Challenges

Maybe your sales process is confusing, leaving your team unsure about what they’re doing. Your sales data might be all over the place, making tracking how well you’re doing and predicting future sales hard. And, frustratingly, on top of everything, you’re losing potential customers.

These problems can be overwhelming. And the pressure to hit sales targets and make money can hurt your business in the long run.

So, what’s the solution?

How can you create a clear, effective sales process that fits your goals?

Where can you find the right salespeople for your company?

And most importantly, how can you turn your sales team into a well-oiled machine that will keep your business healthy today and in the future?

Dan Fantasia: A Sales Expert’s Perspective

In this episode, our guest Dan Fantasia and I discuss effective sales strategies for small businesses, particularly when hiring and onboarding sales talent. He also shares expert insights to help you conquer various sales challenges that come between you and your sales goals.

Published On: November 16th, 2023Categories: Podcasts

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